The onset of World War III?
Dec 12, 2024
We see the germination of World War III, though it is yet to be recognised as a full-scale World War. The last two World Wars also were not identified as World Wars the moment the wars began.
The world war has started now. The past world wars never had a name while they were ongoing. Later, when many countries were forcefully involved, they became known as world wars. Therefore, we should not expect someone to come and declare the ongoing conflict as World War III or label the disputes involving many countries as a world war. We believe that until it is officially declared it cannot be a world war by name. But we are wrong.

In the previous world wars, not all countries participated in the beginning itself. The two earlier wars, which spread all over the world later acquired the definition of a world war. One thing is clear: almost all countries were affected by the world war, even if they were not part of it. Now, times have changed; weapons have become more destructive and targeted. There is no need to field fighters on the battlefield; the enemy can be targeted from home, resulting in fewer losses for the smarter side. They can hire soldiers from third-world countries, making the new world completely different and more targeted. In the last world war, Israel was not established. Now, Israel is in the middle of a war, proving that small does not matter in warfare. They can open war rooms in many countries to surprise the world. Now, the US has to follow their lead.
War for whom? Who is interested in destroying nature, humanity, and all good deeds? There is no specific name for those keen on war; I can only attribute it to human interest in power and greed, which have always been the seeds of every war. In the last war, the US, China, and Russia were on one side as an alliance. Today they are arch-rivals. It means there are no permanent enemies in the world. Today's foes can be tomorrow's friends. In WWII, Japan, Germany, and Italy were the enemies of the Allies, which constituted five countries. Now, Germany and Italy are part of the EU and part of NATO, a formation of post-WWII on the rival side of the erstwhile Warsaw. Japan, the enemy of the US, is now a part of the US Allies.
The alliance in the ongoing world war is yet to be formally declared, though the world is still divided into poles. However, NATO, the US, and some small military powers like Israel will be on one side. A few supporters of the US will align with the yet-to-be-named alliance. Russia, on the other side, will lead the war effort with China to provide moral support. A few more countries will also join this alliance, directly and indirectly.

However, WWIII may be different from WWI and WWII. It will be a modern version of a destructive game to devastate the entire animal planet. The war will heavily depopulate the earth with well-calculated AI-driven damages. Those who kill each other are not true enemies; they simply follow the instructions given by their superiors, who always have hidden agendas, as Warlord Benjamin Netanyahu has. He will be the reason and mastermind behind the all-possible World War III.
Since the enemies are not identified the war will give greater power to the architects of the war. Since the enemies are not identified, the warmongers can strengthen their power. Not only that, they will always speak about nationalism to stoke the flames of conflict; the so-called pride of the country will be their subject. By singing this song, they can quiet the public and force them to follow, like a god commanding his followers. Look at China. After Xi, it became more aggressive. It threatens Taiwan. Hong Kong came under its rule. Tibet became a hellhole under Chinese control. China has an eye on India's lands, making friends partially by offering money to take Bhutan's land. By engaging in these activities, China can overrule the people of the mainland and curtail threats to the despotic regime. Putin follows a similar strategy.
Today, the world can't afford any war. Unfortunately, the stage is set for World War III. In different parts of the world, the war front is already open and soldiers are out of their barracks. Interestingly with hidden agendas; the warriors are not legitimately unequal.
