Greatest lessons from the tiniest bird!

Oct 13, 2023

Even the tiniest birds have their wisdom and remarkable intelligence. Though they have only tinier brains they have higher neuron densities in their forebrain than humans. They build beautiful nests, find food, and settle where they can sustain themselves. None teaches them all these, but nature. I think we have to begin our schooling by looking at their life.

The bird may be around eight centimeters. The size does not matter, but how it lives is a matter for humans to learn. While being at home one day, I saw on the top end of an industrial fan a flowerpecker breed of sparrow building its nest, collecting necessary materials like moss, soft twigs, etc. It has been a remarkable glimpse convincing me that it has a natural right to build its nest where it feels safe. I praise nature that has taught even the tiniest birds how to live safely in their nest made by themselves. They know their engineering and architecture, environmental wisdom, and everything that can sustain and make their life happy. They have enough aesthetic sense. The sparrows know where they can be safe from crows and other beings. They know a place where humans may not disturb them by cutting greens. Humans need to learn all these from schools.

Most of the time, the birds lose their habitat not because of their ignorance about what they do but because of wrong human activities. They lose their habitats and breeding sites not because of their enemies’ fight with them, but human intervention. Sparrows disturb no one, including humans, and live in friendship with flowers and berries.

The life span of a sparrow is around three years, as we believe. In that short life span, they make wonderful things, including beautiful nests on their strength, without disturbing nature or any other living beings around them. Birds can never be spoilers of the human world. It uses only different types of leaves to build up its cocoon. to build its nest. They never use plastic or inorganic materials, even though such things are easily available within their sights. They face threats only from direct or indirect human activities. They show enough wisdom and seem to be able to distinguish friendly and hostile humans to find a safe living place. The flowerpecker that has built its nest on the industrial fan lives undisturbed as it has foreseen. They seem to know human psychology.

Thousands of such creatures disturb none, but humans disturb them to build an industrially rich universe. We talk about sustainable life, happiness, environmental safety, etc., and work hard to achieve them. The lives of tiny creatures are wonderful stories for us to learn. They fight no wars; they build no industrial empires, and they have no over-ambition to invade the domains of other living beings. Humans have all these for their perils. The tiniest bird is enough to make us learn.
